A Cozmoslabs Product


Group Memberships

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Through the Group Memberships add-on, you can sell subscriptions to groups of people. Group Memberships are also known as Umbrella Memberships. Some usage examples would be selling Group Memberships to a company, family, a school teacher, etc.

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Fixed Period Membership

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

The Fixed Period Membership Add-On allows your Subscriptions to end at a specific date, no matter when a client subscribes to it. This works both for one-time and recurring subscriptions.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This add-on allows you and your members to download PDF invoices for each payment that has been completed.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This integration add-on allows extending BuddyPress user profiles with Profile Builder user fields.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: September 4th, 2024

Manage the user Shipping and Billing fields, and extend your WooCommerce checkout page with Profile Builder.

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Multi-Step Forms

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Allow users to build multi-step forms for Registration and Edit Profile forms.

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WooCommerce Sync

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Integrates Profile Builder with WooCommerce, allowing you to manage the Shipping and Billing fields from WooCommerce with Profile Builder.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Allow users to subscribe to your MailChimp lists directly from the Register and Edit Profile forms.

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Campaign Monitor

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Allow users to subscribe to your Campaign Monitor lists directly from the Register and Edit Profile forms.

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Navigation Menu Filtering

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

Using Navigation Menu Filtering add-on you can dynamically display Menu Items based on Logged In status as well as based on specific Subscription Plans or add direct links to subscriptions actions to your menus.

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