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This function will modify the message shown to user after registration with email confirmation ON.
Make sure to:
wppb_register_success_message is located in Profile Builder: /front-end/class-formbuilder.php
* Modify Success message for email confirmation. Tags: confirm your email address, activation link, email confirmation
add_filter( 'wppb_register_success_message', 'wppbc_reg_success_msg_email_confirmation', 10, 2 );
function wppbc_reg_success_msg_email_confirmation( $content, $account_name ){
return "Custom message here.";
This function will modify the message shown to user after registration with admin approval ON.
Make sure to:
e.g in this example is a custom message with users first name
wppb_register_success_message is located in Profile Builder: /front-end/class-formbuilder.php
* Modify Success message for admin approval. Tags:admin approval, registration
add_filter( 'wppb_register_success_message', 'wppbc_reg_success_msg_admin_approval', 10, 2 );
function wppbc_reg_success_msg_admin_approval( $content, $account_name ){
if (is_email( $account_name )){
$user = get_user_by('email', $account_name);
} else {
$user = get_user_by('login', $account_name);
if ($user){
$first_name = $user->first_name;
} else {
$first_name = '';
return "Hello $first_name. Thank you for signing up with us!";
This function will modify the message shown to user after email confirmation.
Make sure to:
wppb_success_email_confirmation is located in Profile Builder: /front-end/register.php
* Change the success email confirmation text "Your Email was successfully confirmed". Tags: email confirmation, successful.
add_filter('wppb_success_email_confirmation', 'wppbc_new_success_email_confirmation');
function wppbc_new_success_email_confirmation($content){
return $content . '';
This function will modify the message shown to user when an form error occurs.
Make sure to:
wppb_general_top_error_message is located in Profile Builder: /front-end/class-formbuilder.php
* Change the Top error message on forms. Tags: error, message
add_filter('wppb_general_top_error_message', 'wppbc_top_error_message');
function wppbc_top_error_message($content){
return ''.__( 'There was some error in the submitted form', 'profilebuilder' ).'
Create beautiful front-end registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user management plugin.
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