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Documentation / Modules / User Listing

User Listing

Activating the User Listing Addon

The User Listing add-on is available only with a Profile Builder Pro, or Agency license.

After purchasing the Pro version of Profile Builder, you can check the following guide on how to install Profile Builder.

After the installation of the Pro, or Agency version, in order to activate the User Listing Add-on, go to Dashboard →  Profile Builder →  Add-ons →  User Listing Add-on and click activate.

After this, a new User Listing tab will show up in the Profile Builder Admin interface. You can now create Multiple User Listings to display your users in the front-end of your website in any way you desire.

Displaying your website users in the front-end can be achieved by using the User Listing shortcode.

Managing our User Listings

By navigating to the User Listing tab from the Profile Builder menu, you’ll notice a list of all the created User Listings and their specific shortcode.

From here you can also setup a new User Listing by clicking the Add New button at the top.

Creating a new User Listing

The Add New User Listing page will first ask you to enter a Title, followed by the User Listing Settings box. Then you can customize the All-Userlisting and Single-Userlisting Templates using one of the provided User-Listing Themes: Default, Tablesi, Vergid, Boxomo, Glimplist.

The shortcode will be available after you publish the User Listing. Changing the form title also changes the shortcode

User Listing Settings

Inside the User Listing Settings tab we can set the:

Faceted Menus

Faceted Menus lets you search users by selecting multiple options saved in user meta. Inside the Faceted Menus tab we can set the:

Setup Faceted Menus

Lets say we created 3 Extra Fields Types inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields. We added a Number Field called Age, a Select Field called Sex, and a Select (Country) Field called Country.

We can now setup our Faceted Search based on those fields:

In order to generate the Facet Search Menu in Front End, in the User Listing, you will need to use the {{{faceted_menus}}} tag, found in the Extra Functions tab, inside the All-Userlisting Template.

Profile Builder - User Listing - Frontend Faceted Menus

If we set the Age to 29, the Sex to Male, and Country to United States it will list all the users that correspond with those options.

Profile Builder - User Listing - Using the Frontend Faceted Menus

Search Settings

In the Search Settings tab, we select the fields that the Search Field will look into.

In order to generate the Search field in Front End, in the User Listing, you will need to use the {{{extra_search_all_fields}}} tag, found in the Extra Functions tab, inside the All-Userlisting Template.

Profile Builder - User Listing - Search All Fields


Click on the Preview button to see an example with the selected Theme’s templates. You see on this page how the themes look like.

Activate User-Listing Theme

Click on the Activate button of the desired Theme.

After Theme activation the following Settings are modified: Roles to Display, Number of Users/Page, Default Sorting Criteria, Default Sorting Order, Avatar Size (All-userlisting), Avatar Size (Single-userlisting).

These Settings can be saved individually per each theme, by adding the desired values and pressing the Update button.

Your existing All-userlisting and Single-userlisting Templates are replaced with the templates of the activated Theme. Any changes you make to these templates will be saved when the Update button is clicked.

Reset User-Listing Theme

To Reset an active User Listing Theme to its default settings, click on the Reset Data button (visible when hovering over an active Theme).

Select which Settings to be reset to their defaults and press Confirm. The default settings will be loaded on the page and saved when the Update button is clicked.

Use Template files from your currently active WordPress Theme

You can use your own template by adding the corresponding file to the currently active WordPress Theme or Child Theme in the following location:

– wp-content/themes/Your Active Theme/

Create the profile-builder directory containing the userlisting directory.
– wp-content/themes/Your Active Theme/profile-builder/userlisting

Add your template file into the userlisting directory.

Template File name pattern: Template Type – userlisting – Userlisting Theme Name – ul – ID .phpTemplate Type: single or all
Userlisting Theme Name: default, tablesi, vergrid, boxomo, glimplist
ID: the id (number) of the User-Listing you want this template to apply for

To identify the ID you need to go to the User Listing Edit Page and look for the “post=xxx” argument in the link of the browser.
Example: www.your-website.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=803&action=edit – the ID you are looking for is 803

File name examples:single-userlisting-tablesi-ul-21.php – Single User Template for Tablesi User Listing Theme (it is used for the User Listing which has the id 21)

all-userlisting-boxomo-ul-345.php – All Users Template for Boxomo User Listing Theme (it is used for the User Listing which has the id 345)

If you try to reset the User Listing Theme templates (Single User or All Users) by pressing the Reset Data button and one of the templates is loaded using a template file placed in your currently active WordPress Theme, it will not be overwritten.The templates (Single User or All Users) loaded using a template file placed in your currently active WordPress Theme cannot be edited using the template editor, you have to make your changes directly in that file.

Template files that are placed whitin your currently active WordPress Theme have priority, therefor they are always loaded first. If no corresponding file exist for the User Listing Template (Single User or All Users) your previously saved template will be loaded from the Data Base.

The All-Userlisting Template

The All-Userlisting Template allows you to customize the looks of your Front End User Listing that displays a list of all your users. It’s shown on each page where the User Listing shortcode is present.

Customizing your All-Userlisting Template

The All-Userlisting Template contains a default HTML template which includes User Fields Tags, that you can modify to fit your needs.

Some User Fields Tags use 3 {{{ }}} (curly braces) in order to render HTML properly. For example: {{{meta_biographical_info}}}

In the default All-Userlisting Template, you’ll have access to:

Profile Builder - User Listing - Extra Functions

The Single-Userlisting Template

The Single-Userlisting Template applies for all individual user pages displayed in the front-end. You can access the Single-Userlisting page by clicking the “More” link from the All-Userlisting page.

Customizing your Single-Userlisting Template

The Single-Userlisting Template contains a default HTML template which includes User Fields Tags, that you can modify to fit your needs.

Some User Fields Tags use 3 {{{ }}} (curly braces) in order to render HTML properly. For example: {{{meta_biographical_info}}}

In the default Single-Userlisting Template, you’ll have access to:

Single User Listing Shortcode

You can display the Single User Listing Template of a user inside a page using:

[wppb-list-users single name="userlisting" id="3"]

Supported parameters:

User Listing shortcode

After setting up the User Listing you can go ahead an publish it by using the “Publish” button. After publishing your User Listing, the Form Shortcode tab will populate with the custom shortcode that you can use to display the newly created User Listing in any given page.

You can add extra parameters to the shortcode, to further filter the results.

The Extra Shortcode Parameters

[wppb-list-users name="member-directory" meta_key="custom_field_1" meta_value="value"] 
[wppb-list-users include="user_id_1, user_id_2"] 
[wppb-list-users exclude="user_id_1, user_id_2"] 

Remember though, that the field-value combination must exist in the database.

If you want to use this method with a checkbox, you need to put a trailing comma after the meta_value value


[wppb-list-users name="member-directory" meta_key="custom_field_1" meta_value="value1,value2"]

The All-Userlisting Template in Front End

Here’s a look at how the User Listing page might look at the front end of your website:

Profile Builder - User Listing - Frontend Faceted Menus

The Single-Userlisting Template in Front End

And this is the Single User profile page:

Profile Builder - User Listing - Single User Listing Front End

As shown above, both the All-Userlisting and Single-Userlisting Templates can be customized in any way you desire, directly from plugin UI.

How to

Display WooCommerce Fields inside the User Listing

First, you will need to go to Profile Builder -> Manage Fields to create the WooCommerce Customer Billing Address and WooCommerce Customer Shipping Address fields.

Profile Builder - WooCommerce Sync - Edit Billing Fields

The next step is to set up the User Listing so go to Profile Builder -> User Listing -> Add New. In our case we named our User Listing – “Customers”. We also checked, in the “Roles to Display” option, the Customer role.

By doing so only users with the “Customer” role will be displayed in the User Listing. This role is created by the WooCommerce plugin.

We also set the Default Sorting Criteria to “Billing Country” – Order Ascending. This option will list and sort the users ascending based on Country.

In the Faceted Menus section, we can add filters to further sort our User Listing based on WooCommerce fields. We added a filter based on Billing Town / City and another one based on Billing State / County.

In the Search Settings tab, we can set in which fields should the Search Field look into. For example, we can allow to search based on Billing Postcode / Zip and Billing Phone.

In order to generate the Search field in Front End, in the User Listing, you will need to use the {{{extra_search_all_fields}}} tag, found in the Extra Functions tab, inside the All-Userlisting Template.

To search based on country inside the Search Field you will need to use the country code and not the country name. For example if we want to search based on “Canada” we will need to use “CA” inside the search field

In the All-Userlisting Template, we can add all the WooCommerce fields by using the appropriate User Fields Tags.

In the Single-Userlisting Template, we can add all the WooCommerce fields by using the appropriate User Fields Tags.

To view the User Listing in Frontend we will need to use the generated shortcode inside a page. In our case the shortcode will look like this: [wppb-list-users name="customers"]

This is how the User Listing will look in Front End.

Profile Builder - User Listing - WooCommerce User Listing in Frontend
The {{{sort_billing_address_2}}} sort tag will not generate a Sort Title in the User Listing

Display BuddyPress Forum Users inside the User Listing

Several tags are available to use in the User Listing templates:

Because of the way BuddyPress handles Avatar, our avatar feature is disabled when the BuddyPress add-on is active

Display bbPress Forum Users inside the User Listing

Using the User listing addon available in Profile Builder Pro you can create a member directory of all your forum users.

The bbPress add-on adds 3 new user tags which you can use on both All User Listing as well as Single-User Listing:

Display Repeater Fields

Lets say we have a Repeater field that uses the following field title: Accommodations. Inside the Repeater we added 2 Input fields that use the following field titles: Hotel and Motel.

All-Userlisting Template – The syntax below will output in a loop all the sets of fields inputted by the user on registration or while editing his profile.


Single-Userlisting Template


Do not display field if no value was added

Lets say we have a Select field that uses the following meta name: custom_field_1. In the Single-Userlisting template we will need to add:

   <label>Select Field:</label>

Read more about Mustache Tags here.

Display an uploaded file inside the Single Userlisting

To display an uploaded file (example: a .pdf file) inside the Single-Userlisting Template you will need first to add inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields an Upload field.

Inside the Single-Userlisting Template we will need to use:

	<label>Uploaded file:</label>
	<span><a href="{{meta_custom_field_1}}"><img src="http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/legal/images/badges/Adobe_Document_Cloud_logo_SCREEN_RGB_48px.png" width="25px" height="25px"/></a></span>

Replace {{meta_custom_field_1}} with the meta name assigned to your Upload field.

Front End Single Userlisting

Profile Builder - User Listing - Uploaded File

Download an uploaded file from the Single Userlisting

To download an uploaded file (example: a .pdf file) from the Single-Userlisting Template you will need first to add inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields an Upload field.

Inside the Single-Userlisting Template we will need to use:

	<span><a href="{{meta_custom_field_1}}" download><img src="http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/legal/images/badges/Adobe_Document_Cloud_logo_SCREEN_RGB_48px.png" width="25px" height="25px"/></a></span>

Replace {{meta_custom_field_1}} with the meta name assigned to your Upload field.

Front End Single Userlisting

Profile Builder - User Listing - Downloaded File

Display an uploaded photo inside the Single Userlisting

To display an uploaded photo (example: a .png or .jpg file) inside the Single-Userlisting Template you will need first to add inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields an Upload field.

Inside the Single-Userlisting Template we will need to use:

	<span><img src="{{meta_custom_field_1}}" alt="WordPres" height="300" width="200"></span>

Replace {{meta_custom_field_1}} with the meta name assigned to your Upload field.

Front End Single Userlisting

Profile Builder - User Listing - Display a Photo

Embed an uploaded video inside the Single Userlisting

To embed an uploaded video (example: a .mp4 file) inside the Single-Userlisting Template you will need first to add inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields an Upload field.

Inside the Single-Userlisting Template we will need to use the video shortcode:

	<span>[video src="{{meta_custom_field_1}}"]</span>

Replace {{meta_custom_field_1}} with the meta name assigned to your Upload field.

Front End Single Userlisting

Profile Builder - User Listing - Uploaded Video

Display the Age of the user based on a Datepicker field

To display the Age of a user inside the Single-Userlisting Template you will need first to add inside Profile Builder -> Manage Fields a Datepicker field.

Set an appropriate meta name for the Datepicker field like: meta_birthday

1. Inside the Single-Userlisting Template you will need to add the following script:

  function getAge(dateString) 
    var today = new Date();
    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) 
    return age;
  		birthday = jQuery(item).text();
  		if(birthday != ''){
  			age = getAge(birthday);

<script><br>  function getAge(dateString) <br>{<br>    var today = new Date();<br>    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);<br>    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();<br>    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();<br>    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) <br>    {<br>        age--;<br>    }<br>    return age;<br>}<br>  jQuery(document).ready(function(){<br>  	jQuery('.calc-age').each(function(index,item){<br>  		birthday = jQuery(item).text();<br>  		if(birthday != ''){<br>  			age = getAge(birthday);<br>  			jQuery(item).text(age)<br>  		}<br>  	})<br>  })<br></script>

2. And also to add the Datepicker User Field Tag:

	<span class="calc-age">{{meta_birthday}}</span>

Replace {{meta_birthday}} with the meta name assigned to your Datepicker field.

The {{meta_birthday}} User Field Tag needs to be inside a span, paragraph or anything with a .css class of “calc-age”

Add contact form to Single Userlisting Template

Hide Userlisting until search is performed

Create a map of all users’ location

Embed a youtube video or a different URL

By default, WordPress supports embedding content from different services directly in your pages. For an exact list of supported services please visit: https://wordpress.org/support/article/embeds/

However, that only works inside a page or post content.

In order to embed content like a YouTube video inside User Listing you’ll need to use the shortcode.

[wppb-embed width="500" height="300"]{{meta_youtube_link}}[/wppb-embed]

Profile Builder Pro

Create beautiful front-end registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user management plugin.

Get Profile Builder

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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