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Documentation / Profile Builder Add-ons / Passwordless Login

Passwordless Login

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login Thumbnail

Passwordless Login Plugin is a modern way of logging into your WordPress site without the use of a password.
Instead of asking users for a password when they try to log in to your website, we simply ask them for their username or email.
The plugin creates a temporary authorization token and saves it into an usermeta entry which is valid for 10 minutes.

It then sends the user an email with a link which contains the token.

When the user clicks on the link, he gets sent to your website where the access token is verified and if it is valid, it will create the log in WordPress Cookie, successfully authenticating the user.

Install the Passwordless Login Plugin

First of all, click on the button below to download the plugin. Once downloaded, you can install the plugin as a normal WordPress plugin, by uploading the .zip file in your WordPress Admin -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin.

Alternatively, you can install the Passwordless Login Plugin by extracting the folder found inside the archive and uploading the entire folder via FTP to your /wp-content/plugins folder found inside your WordPress install.

Get Passwordless Login Plugin

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Backend

Adding the Passwordless Login shortcode

Inside a Page

In order to create a Passwordless Login form in Front End you will need to add the [passwordless-login] shortcode inside a page.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Shortcode inside Page

Passwordless Login form in Front End

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Front End Page

Inside a Widget

The Passwordless Login shortcode can also be added as a widget in the sidebar by going to Appearance -> Widgets and adding the [passwordless-login] shortcode inside the Content box of a Text Widget.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Shortcode inside Widget

Passwordless Login Widget in Front End

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Front End Widget

Using the Passwordless Login shortcode

In order to use the Passwordless Login plugin your users will need first to Register.

Profile Builder Free, Profile Builder Basic or Pro is compatible with Passwordless Login plugin and you can use the [wppb-register] shortcode to generate a Registration form in Front End and the [wppb-edit-profile] shortcode to generate an Edit Profile form in Front End.

You can also use the [wppb-login] shortcode if you want to give your users the possibility to login with a password.

Registered users will be able to login using the Passwordless Login form in Front End.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Front End Page Login

After clicking on the Log In button a notice will be displayed. Also the plugin creates a temporary authorization token and saves it into an usermeta entry which is valid for 10 minutes. It then sends the user an email with a link which contains the token.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Submitting Form

This how the Email Notification received by the user looks like.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Email Notification

When the user clicks on the link he gets sent to your website, on the Login page, where the access token is verified and if it is valid it will create the Log In WordPress Cookie successfully authenticating the user.

Profile Builder - Passwordless Login - Logged in User

How To

Modify the Email Notification

You will need to use some custom code in order to modify the Email Notification:

1. Create an empty plugin like this: https://gist.github.com/sareiodata/76f701e01db6685829db

2. Add the following code to the end of it:

 * Filter to modify the Email Notification sent to the user by the Passwordless Login Plugin
add_filter ( 'wpa_email_message', 'wppbc_change_email_notifcation_paswordless_login', 20, 2 );
function wppbc_change_email_notifcation_paswordless_login($content, $url){
    $blog_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
    $message = sprintf("Login to $blog_name by visiting this url: $url - My Custom text" , $url );
    return $message;

3. Install this plugin via FTP (copy it inside wp-content/plugins) or create a zip archive with it and install it via the WordPress plugin upload functionality

Modify the Success Message and also add a “Send Again” link

You will need to use some custom code in order to modify the Passwordless Login success message and also to add the “Send Again” link:

1. Create an empty plugin like this: https://gist.github.com/sareiodata/76f701e01db6685829db

2. Add the following code to the end of it:

 * Filter to modify the Passwordless Login success message and also to add a "Send Again" Link
add_filter('wpa_success_link_msg', 'wpac_new_message');
function wpac_new_message(){
    return "Please check your email. You will soon receive an email with a login link. <a href="#">Send Again</a>";

3. Install this plugin via FTP (copy it inside wp-content/plugins) or create a zip archive with it and install it via the WordPress plugin upload functionality

Profile Builder Pro

Create beautiful front-end registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user management plugin.

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