A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Integrations with Other Plugins / Paid Member Subscriptions WooCommerce Integration

Paid Member Subscriptions WooCommerce Integration

Paid Member Subscriptions integrates with WooCommerce allowing the admin to restrict product viewing & purchasing and also to offer special product prices to members.

Using Paid Member Subscriptions with WooCommerce

In order to use Paid Member Subscriptions with WooCommerce you’ll need to have the following plugins installed and activated on your site:

WooCommerce Integration Settings

After you activate WooCommerce and Paid Member Subscriptions you will notice a new tab in Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings page called WooCommerce Integration.

For your WooCommerce Products you will be able to set the following options:

Allow cumulative discounts

If you want to allow cumulative discounts, meaning to cumulate all the available discounts for the product, you will need to go to PMS -> Settings -> WooCommerce Integration and check “Allow cumulative discounts”.

By checking this option we will cumulate all discounts that apply to a specific product. By default we’re applying only the highest discount.

Exclude products on sale

We can exclude products on sale if we do not want to apply Membership or Product Discounts to those products. Go to PMS -> Settings -> WooCommerce Integration and check “Exclude products on sale”.

Product on Sale and also Discounted to Members

We can have products that are on sale and also have membership discounts attached. In our case we have the Headphones product that has the Regular price set to $45 and the Sale price set to $40.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - WooCommerce Integratoin - Product price

For this product we also have a 10% Membership Discount for all the Members that subscribed to the Gold subscription plan.

Note – By default the 10% Membership Discount is applied to the Sale Price and not to the Regular price. In our case the $40 Sale Prices will be reduced with 10%.

View of Shop and product page for Logged Out Users and Non Members

This is how the logged out users as well as logged-in non-members (with no active subscriptions) will see the Shop page and this particular product. There won’t be any price changes for them.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Product on sale - Shop page

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Product on sale

View of Shop and product page for Logged in Members

This is how the logged in members that subscribed to the Gold plan will see the Shop page and individual product page.

The product sale price has been reduced with a 10% membership discount, resulting in a discounted price for the member. You can also notice the “Member Discount” badge that highlights this price change.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Product on sale and on discount - Shop page

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Product on sale and on discount

Product Discounted – Membership Required Custom Message

This message can be used as a call to action for non-members or members who don’t have the appropriate subscription plan, letting them know that a membership discount is available for this product and directing them to sign-up for the required subscription plan.

You can modify the default notification: “Want a discount? Become a member, sign up for a subscription plan.” displayed for users that don’t have the appropriate Subscription Plan for a discount, under PMS -> Settings -> WooCommerce Integration -> Product Messages -> Product Discounted – Membership Required.

This message is displayed below the “Add to Cart” buttons. Leave blank to disable.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Membership Discounts - Subscription Plan - Product page

Offer Discounted Product Prices to Members

Paid Member Subscriptions allows you to offer special discounted product prices to existing members.

You can set Product Discounts per Subscription Plan or Membership Discounts per Product.

Once you have setup discounted member prices for WooCommerce products or product categories, the prices in your shop will change automatically for logged in members. Members will see the special discounted prices based on their subscription plan, instead of the actual price.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Membership Discounts - Subscription Plan - Shop page with discount

Add Product Discounts per Subscription Plan

In order to setup a Product Discount per Subscription Plan you will need first to go to PMS -> Subscription Plans and edit the appropriate Subscription Plan. In our example we are editing the Gold plan.

Below the Subscription Plans Details meta box we have the Product Discounts meta box that we can use to create our own Product Discounts.

All the Product Discounts added will be applied for users that purchased the subscription plan (in our case the Gold plan).

When adding a new discount you’ll need to fill in the following options:


  • If we add “0” as a value inside the Amount section the Discount will be removed
  • If we add a value grater or equal to the price of the product, the product will be considered free to purchase

Below, you’ll notice the 10% discount applied to “Headphones” price for logged in Gold subscribers. Logged-out users and members without the Gold subscription won’t see any price changes.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Membership Discounts - Subscription Plan - Product page with discount

Add Membership Discounts per Product

In order to setup individual discounts per product you will need to go to Products and Edit your product. In the Product details page you’ll notice a Membership Discounts meta box. In our example we are editing the Headphones product.

The first option to select is regarding Discounts Behaviour:

When you are using the “Best price” behavior the member that subscribe will see the product discounted by the highest discount. If multiple discounts apply to this product, we’ll apply the highest one, which results in the lowest price.

All the Membership Discounts added will be applied for users that purchased the Subscription Plan and in our case the Gold plan.

Clicking on the “Add New Discount” button allows us to setup the following options:


  • If we add “0” as a value inside the Amount section the Discount will be removed
  • If we add a value grater or equal to the price of the product, the product will be considered free to purchase

In our example we added a 15% Membership Discount for the Gold Subscription Plan. Below you can see the price chance for Gold subscribers, on both Shop page and individual product page.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Membership Discounts - Product - Shop page

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Membership Discounts - Product Discount - Product page with discount

Restrict Product Viewing

Restricting Product Viewing allows you to easily create members-only products, as well as allow only certain subscription plans to view certain products. This feature combined with restricting product purchase, offers you a ton of flexibility when it comes to presenting products to your members.

Let’s say we have already setup 3 Subscription Plans: Free, Silver and Gold. The Gold plan is the higher plan, since the subscriptions are hierarchical, and the Silver and Free plans are downgrades of the main plan.

After we setup the Subscription Plans we need to setup our WooCommerce Products visibility. In our case we have 4 products: Dress, Shoes, Wireless Mouse and Headphones which are added in 2 categories: Clothing and Electronics.

Paid Member Subscriptons - WooCommerce Integration - WooCommerce Products

When you edit a product, you will notice a new meta box called Content Restriction. Under the Display Options section you will be able to setup the restriction for product viewing.

Inside the Display Options section we can set the following options:


Display product only to logged in users

To display a product to all logged in users, regardless of Subscription Plan, you will need to check only the “Logged In Users” option.

View of product page for Logged Out Users

This is how the logged out user will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged Out Users

View of product page for Logged In Users

This is how the logged in user will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged In Users

Display product only to members that subscribed

To display a product to all members that subscribed to a specific Subscription Plan you will need to check the “Logged In Users” option and also the Subscription Plan that the restriction will be based on.

Note – Checking multiple Subscription Plans, for example Gold and Silver, will display the product to Gold, Silver or Gold and Silver members

View of product page for Logged Out Users and Non Members

This is how the logged out user will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged Out Users

View of product page for Logged In Users and Non Members

This is how the logged in user that didn’t subscribe will see the product.

View of product page for Members

This is how the logged in member that subscribed will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged In Users

Restrict Product Purchasing

Besides product viewing, you can also restrict product purchasing. This way you can allow only certain subscription plans to purchase specific products.

When you edit a product, you will notice a new meta box called Content Restriction. Under the Purchase Options section you will be able to setup the restriction for product purchasing.

Inside the Purchase Options section you can set the “Who can purchase?” option to:


Allow product to be purchased only by the logged in users

To allow a product to be purchased only by the logged in users, regardless of Subscription Plan, you will need to check only the “Logged In Users” option.

View of product page for Logged Out Users

This is how the logged out user will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Purchase - Logged Out Users

View of product page for Logged In Users

This is how the logged in user will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged In Users

Allow product to be purchased only by the members that subscribed

To allow a product to be purchased by the members that subscribed to a specific Subscription Plan you will need to check the “Logged In Users” option and also the subscription plan(s) that will be able to purchase this product. The remaining subscriptions will be restricted from purchasing it.

View of product page for Logged Out Users and Non Members

This is how the logged out users or members without the Gold subscription plan will see the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Purchase - Logged Out Users

View of product page for Members

Gold Members will see the “Add to cart” button and will be able to purchase this product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce Integration - Restrict Product Viewing - Logged In Users

Restrict Access to WooCommerce Shop Page

In order to restrict the access to the WooCommerce Shop page simply go to Pages -> All Pages, Edit the Shop page and scroll down until you see the Content Restriction meta box.

Inside the Display Options section we can set the following options:


Display the Shop page only to logged in users

To display the Shop page only to logged in users, regardless of Subscription Plan, you will need to check only the “Logged In Users” option.

View of Shop page for Logged Out Users

This is how the logged out user will see the Shop page.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction Logged Out Users

View of Shop page for Logged In Users

This is how the logged in user will see the Shop page.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction Logged In User

Display the Shop page only to members that subscribed

To display the Shop page to all members that subscribed to a specific Subscription Plan you will need to check the “Logged In Users” option and also the Subscription Plan that the restriction will be based on.

Note – Checking multiple Subscription Plans, for example Gold and Silver, will display the Shop page to Gold, Silver or Gold and Silver members

View of Shop page for Logged Out Users and Non Members

This is how the logged out user or members with a different membership level than Gold will see the Shop page.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction Logged Out Users

View of Shop page for Members

Logged in, Gold members will be able to see the Shop page, without any restrictions.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction Logged In User

Restricted products inside the Shop page

As you noticed by now, using Paid Member Subscriptions we can restrict the product viewing and also product purchasing. In the screenshot below, we restricted product viewing for the “Wireless Mouse” product.

Shop page when a product viewing is restricted

You only see just the product title, without any details about price, description or thumbnail image. Also the “Add to cart” button is replaced by a “Read more” button.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction - Product Viewing

Shop page when a product is visible, but purchase restricted

When a member can view a product, but is not allowed to purchase it, he will be able to see all product details, just that the “Add to cart” button will be replaced with a “Read more” button. This way he won’t be able to purchase the product.

Paid Member Subscriptions - WooCommerce - Shop Page - Content Restrction - Purchase Restriction

Sell a subscription plan thorough WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Memberships functionality can be enabled or disabled by going to Paid Member Subscriptions → Settings → WooCommerce Integration and scrolling down to the Product Membership section, where you’ll find the Activate product subscriptions option.

The Synchronize Billing Details setting synchronizes the information about the user details (eg. Firstname, Lastname, etc.) between Paid Member Subscriptions and WooCommerce. In Paid Member Subscriptions you can find this information in your PMS Account from → Edit Profile tab, and in WooCommerce you can find this information in the WooCommerce My Account → Account details/Addresses sections. Keep in mind that this setting doesn’t synchronize the Payment details between Paid Member Subscriptions and WooCommerce only the User/Billing details.

If you choose to sell our subscriptions through WooCommerce, please take note that some features will not be available (PWYW, Fixed Period, Invoice, Tax, Sign up Fee, Free Trial, Discount Codes, and Group Membership.) This happens because you are limited to the settings Woocommerce/Woocommerce Subscriptions plugins offer for Products.

Sell a Subscription Plan as a WooCommerce Product

For linking a subscription to a product go to: Products → All Products.
Add new product (or Edit an existing one) and go to Product data section.

In the Subscription Plan Tab, you can select a previously created Subscription Plan to link with this product.

You can use any Product Type available in WooCommerce.

We suggest that you set the product to be Virtual and Downloadable. In this case, if the payment was successfully made on checkout, the order status will be set to Completed and the Subscription will be activated.

Ideally, you should have the same price setup for the Product and the Subscription Plan that you associate it with, but this is not enforced. Keep in mind that if you use the [pms-register] shortcode on another page from your website, the same plan can be purchased through that form as well.

For this Subscription Plan association to work properly we need the following WooCommerce settings to be met:

  • Allow customers to place orders without an account must be disabled
  • Allow customers to create an account during checkout must be enabled

A user account is necessary in order for the Subscription Plan association to work.

Sell a recurring Subscription Plan as a WooCommerce Product

In order to sell recurring subscription plans through WooCommerce you need to have installed and activated on your site the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

This feature is also available with Products that are set up as Subscriptions using the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. With each Subscription renewal from WooCommerce, if the user has the Membership from Paid Member Subscription, it will be extended with the duration that is set up for the plan.

It is recommended that you have the same settings between the PMS Subscription Plan that is associated and the Product Subscription you are setting up, for example the price and duration.

When a user makes a payment for a WooCommerce Product that is associated with a Subscription Plan, the payment will use the settings from the WooCommerce Product.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro

Accept (recurring) payments, create subscription plans and restrict content on your website. Easily setup a WordPress membership site using Paid Member Subscriptions.

Get Paid Member Subscriptions

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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