Category: Tutorials

The easy way to create a WordPress Team Page

Author: Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: June 19th, 2020

Call it "Meet the Team", "Our Team" or "Staff List", a WordPress Team Page is a pretty standard request when building a new website. That's probably because everyone wants to know the people behind a specific project. It ads a personal touch to the company and can lend trust to visitors. Even though there are […]

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WordPress Testimonial Page Template with WCK

Author: Bianca Petroiu
Last Updated: August 4th, 2022

Having testimonials displayed on your client’s website is a always a nice bonus, and helps to highlight the brand’s personality and keep up with its audience. The scope of this tutorial is to build a WordPress Testimonial Page Template with the help of WCK - Custom Fields and Post Type Creator plugin. How you choose […]

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WordPress User Registration

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: February 24th, 2020

Have you hit a road block when it comes to WordPress user registration? You probably would like to have new users register before being able to take certain actions (for example, posting reviews or commenting) but do not want them to have access to the WordPress Dashboard? Truth is, WordPress User Registration doesn't have to […]

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WordPress Plugin for Dynamic Menus Based On Logged In Status

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: May 13th, 2014

Displaying dynamic menus based on logged in status is quite straight forward and any developer you're gona ask will tell you the same thing. Regardless of that, up to this point, the only way show a different menu to your logged in users was to add a bit of code to your theme header, some […]

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Understand how to create triangles with CSS

Author: Madalin Ungureanu
Last Updated: December 5th, 2011

I've been creating css shapes for a while now, but just recently I've been starting to wonder how does the technique actually work and why. You can find a good collection of css snipets here. Most shapes use css 3 properties but there are a few useful ones that do not require css 3 so […]

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