I’ve been thinking a lot lately about making the WordPress post from front end article. Solutions exist, in terms of plugins and specialized themes, but neither fits the bill and there are times when they just aren't all that flexible. However there's always the possibility of a custom built WordPress Front End Posting plugin that […]
Continue ReadingIt's been quite a while since we released a new version, but this is due to the complexity of the new feature this version of Profile Builder comes with: a fully customizable userlisting. For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by […]
Continue ReadingWordPress Creation Kit consists of three brand new modules that can help you with the tough task of creating and maintaining custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT's. Why another plugin for this? We've actually started working on this more then a year ago, […]
Continue ReadingI've been working lately on a redesign / re-branding of Cozmoslabs. Designing for your self is one of the most annoying things I've ever done. It's hard to say "this is good, let's leave it like that". There's always that feeling that something better can exist. And I'm sure it does exist... so I'm going […]
Continue ReadingEven though we released a few hot-fixes since v.1.1.6, it's been a long time since we released a new big update for our ever-growing plugin...but wait no more, v.1.1.13 is finally here! For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding […]
Continue ReadingI've been creating css shapes for a while now, but just recently I've been starting to wonder how does the technique actually work and why. You can find a good collection of css snipets here. Most shapes use css 3 properties but there are a few useful ones that do not require css 3 so […]
Continue ReadingPete Davies is a Business Engineer at Automattic and you'll probably find him writing articles on the Akismet blog. Akismet is an anti-spam filter for comments. If you visit the website, Akismet is described as "possibly the best way in the world to protect you from web spam", which from my experience is not far […]
Continue ReadingDuring the last 3 years while providing web-design and development solutions to our clients over at Reflection Media, we're tried our best to optimize our processes and development time by reusing code, creating a database of often used code snipets and constructing generalist plugins when possible. While this didn't always work out as expected, we've […]
Continue ReadingEver now and again the question arises with new clients that aren't really tech savvy: "What Is WordPress?" What I'm hoping to achieve with this post is to drop the technical jargon for a minute and explain in down to earth words what is WordPress, how can it help you, what is WordPress.com, what's a […]
Continue ReadingThe latest version includes a few small, but important features if you wish to customize the plugin. For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify […]
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