Maria Ansari

Author at Cozmoslabs

Create Divi Membership Site using Paid Member Subscriptions

How To Create a Divi Membership Site

Author: Maria
Last Updated: April 23rd, 2024

If you’re thinking of building a membership site in WordPress, you’ll need a solid theme and a membership plugin that pairs well with it. In this complete guide, we’ll show you how to create a Divi membership site using the popular Divi theme in combination with the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin.

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How to Create a Custom Login Page for WordPress

Author: Maria
Last Updated: July 9th, 2024

Depending on the type of WordPress site you run, there are several reasons why you might want to create a custom login page for WordPress. And, you can easily do so by using a dedicated plugin. Using a customized login form can help you minimize hacking risks and related security issues as well as improve […]

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