Blog / Profile Builder / 5 Best Plugins to Manage Shop Manager Role in WooCommerce

5 Best Plugins to Manage Shop Manager Role in WooCommerce

Rishi Lodha
Last Updated: 25/09/24

If you have multiple employees managing your store, it might be a good idea to get a WooCommerce shop manager plugin. This enables you to control what they can access. It also gives you the ability to grant them the capabilities required to perform their job.

Fortunately, there are several plugins to choose from. Most of them come with additional features and functionality, such as the ability to create a private store and build custom forms.

Best WooCommerce Shop Manager Plugins

Today we’ve reviewed the 5 best WooCommerce shop manager plugins or rather user role plugins based on different important factors. So stick around as we review the 5 best shop manager plugins in detail.

1. Profile Builder

Profile Builder is not only the best WordPress user management plugin, but it’s also a complete user management tool.

Profile Builder Pro

Not only a shop manager plugin but a complete user management system in itself.

Get Profile Builder

With this plugin, you can:

Most of these functionalities are only available in the paid version of Profile Builder. If you’re running a WooCommerce store that attracts a lot of customers, this can be an immensely useful investment.

With Profile Builder, managing the WooCommerce shop manager role is a very straightforward process. Let’s look at how to do this.

Managing WooCommerce Shop Manager Permissions with Profile Builder

First things first, install and activate the Profile Builder plugin from the Plugins menu on your WordPress dashboard.

Installing the free Profile Builder plugin in the WordPress dashboard

If you also want to get all the advanced functionalities we listed above, you need to purchase Profile Builder and download the pro version of the plugin from your Account page on Cozmoslabs:

Cozmoslabs Account page

You can upload and install the pro version from the Plugins page in your WordPress dashboard:

Upload Profile Builder Pro

Once Profile Builder is activated, go to Profile Builder → Settings and enable the Roles Editor feature:

Enabling the Roles Editor feature in Profile Builder

Then, click on Save Changes and navigate to Users → Roles Editor:

The Roles Editor page in Profile Builder

If you already have a Shop manager role in WooCommerce, you will find it in the list of all the user roles on this page. You can edit it by clicking on the Edit link below it:

Editing shop manager user role

Then, add new WooCommerce shop manager permissions by choosing the new capabilities from the Add Capability dropdown menu:

Editing role capabilities in Profile Builder

You can also delete existing capabilities by clicking on the Delete link. Once you’re done with adding new capabilities and deleting ones that you no longer want, click on the Update button on the right.

Creating a New Shop Manager Role in WooCommerce

If you don’t have an existing shop manager user role or don’t want to use it, you can also just as easily create a new shop manager role in WooCommerce using Profile Builder.

Just click on the Add New Role at the top of the Roles Editor page:

Adding a new role in Profile Builder

You will need to add all capabilities to your new shop manager user role from scratch. But the process is the same as adding new capabilities to the existing shop manager role as we explained above.

Once you add all of the capabilities, click on the Publish button. That’s it – your new shop manager role is now live and has all the capabilities that you want.

2. User Role Editor

User Role Editor is one of the most popular WooCommerce shop manager plugins. It lets you manage all WooCommerce and WordPress user roles.

With this plugin, you can see the existing capabilities of your WooCommerce shop manager role, as well as add new ones just by ticking checkboxes:

User Role Editor

You can also add new roles and delete existing ones. Similarly, you can delete WooCommerce shop manager role permissions, or delete unnecessary capabilities for any user role on your site.

The downside is that you will have to install additional plugins for managing other related tasks like creating important user forms, setting up custom redirects, and more.

User Role Editor has a pro version that comes with premium features like hiding some posts and pages for certain user roles, blocking certain menu items and widgets, and more. The pro version also makes the plugin ad-free.

3. Members

Members is another popular WooCommerce shop manager plugin that’s also a complete user role management tool:

The Members plugin

Apart from the usual features like allowing you to customize your WooCommerce shop manager role or create a new one, you’ll also be able to:

  • Choose whether a user can have multiple user roles on your site
  • Control how denied capabilities work in relation to assigned permissions
  • Content restriction features that allow you to ensure only your premium user roles can access your premium products or content
  • Create a WooCommerce private store that only logged-in users can access

The Members plugin doesn’t have a pro version. If you need more features, you’ll need to purchase the MemberPress plugin, which is a complete membership site solution.

4. PublishPress Capabilities

PublishPress Capabilities is another user role manager plugin that lets you easily control and customize WooCommerce shop manager permissions. It takes care of general user role-related tasks like adding a shop manager role in WooCommerce, editing any of your user roles, and deleting unnecessary user roles.

It also lets you control taxonomies and works for all post types. In addition, you would be able to hide certain admin area features.

The plugin automatically creates a backup every time you make changes to your user roles. This ensures you never lose any of your changes in case something goes wrong on your site:

PublishPress capabilities

There’s also a pro version that offers some additional features, such as:

  • Restrict access to admin menus and navigation menus
  • Option to hide the metaboxes in the posts area
  • Custom permissions management for BuddyPress
  • Custom permissions related to post statuses

With the premium version, you’ll get priority support and an ad-free interface.

5. WPFront User Role Editor

WPFront User Role Editor is another good option, particularly because it offers a few additional features in its free version:

WPFront User Role

Apart from the ability to add new user roles and manage WooCommerce shop manager permissions or other user role capabilities, you can:

  • Restore default WordPress user roles to their standard state
  • Create login and logout redirects for different user roles
  • Control how the different post types appear, including being able to customize their labels
  • Add or remove a particular capability from all or a few selected user roles in one go (Bulk Edit)

There’s a pro version as well. You need this to create redirects for custom user roles.

Some of the other premium features include an admin menu editor, managing widget permissions, extended permissions for posts and pages, and more.


As we can see, there are several WooCommerce shop manager plugins. But if you have a large store and want to save money, you may consider opting for a complete solution like Profile Builder.

Profile Builder Pro

Not only a shop manager plugin but a complete user management system in itself.

Get Profile Builder

This plugin offers a very user-friendly interface for managing the shop manager role. But it also comes with a plethora of other useful user management features. For example, you can build custom forms and user profiles.

Do you have any questions about Profile Builder? Let us know in the comments section below!

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