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With both Profile Builder and WordPress Creation Kit plugins using Mustache as their template system for things like User Listing and Swift Templates, we need at times the possibility to compares different values.
This however, is not possible in Mustache. So a shortcode to compare values comes to the rescue.
Compare Shortcode
How to use
[compare val1="test" val2="test" operator="=="]
List if the values is the same?
// Inside Profile Builder or WordPress Creation Kit you'll probably use it like so:
[compare val1="{{my-custom-field-2}}" val2="Yes" operator="=="]
List if the values is the same?
Code wise, it’s fairly straight forward. You can also see what operators are supported:
* Compare shortcode. Tags: shortcode, compare,
* Usage:
[compare val1="test" val2="test" operator="=="]
List if the values is the same?
add_shortcode( 'compare', 'wppbc_compare_shortcode' );
function wppbc_compare_shortcode( $atts, $content ){
$out = shortcode_atts( array( 'val1' => '', 'val2' => '', 'operator' => ''), $atts )
// quick fix for WordPress bug:
foreach($out as $key => $value){
$out[$key] = str_replace('”', '', $value );
$l = $out['val1'];
$r = $out['val2'];
$operators = array(
'==' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l == $r;'),
'===' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l === $r;'),
'!=' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l != $r;'),
'<' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l < $r;'),
'>' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l > $r;'),
'<=' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l <= $r;'),
'<=' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l <= $r;'),
'>=' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l >= $r;'),
'' => create_function('$l, $r', 'return $l == $r;'),
if ( !array_key_exists($out['operator'], $operators ) ){
return 'The compare operator ' . $out["operator"] . ' is not recognized. Please try: == , ===, !=, <, >, <=, >=';
$bool = $operators[$out['operator']]($l, $r);
if( $bool ) {
return $content;
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A great addition to WCK. I would love to see AND / OR added to the capability, so
[compare val1=”{{abc}}” val2=”” operator=”!=” AND val1=”{{def}} val2=”” operator=”!=”]
Also, is nesting supported? I can’t see any reason why not but in my (limited) testing it didn’t seem to.
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